Discover with us the most popular places and cities of Poland.
We will show you places which you known from photos, guides and tourist catalogues.
Thanks to us you will see different sides of the largest Polish cities: Warszawa (Warsaw), Kraków (Cracow), Wrocław (Wroclaw), Gdańsk (Gdansk), Łódź (Lodz), Poznań (Poznan), Szczecin, Katowice, Lublin and Toruń. During the day you will see the most important monuments and we will show you the secrets of a city. In the evening, you will see night life and that habitants of Poland like to have fun. In Poland, dance floor is used for dancing. Here everybody dances however, sometimes in his own, original way J
You will discover the secrets of castles and palaces e.g. castle in Malbork, keeping secrets of Teutonic Order of Książ Castle under which are tunnels from period of World War II and their appointment can be only imagined.
When visiting open air museum you will understand the history of Poland and you will see life of people many years ago. We invite you to the Museum of Opolskie Village and Museum of Agriculture in Ciechanowiec.
You will ride underground and see how worked miners in salt and coal mines e.g. in Wieliczka salt mine or coal mine “Guido” in Zabrze.
You will see places connected with World War II.
You will choose cruises on rivers in the largest cities of Poland. Cruise on Vistula River in Cracow will allow to see the other spirit of a city.
Museum of technique will show you how are working: planes, old locomotives and cars. If you will visit the Museum of Brewery in Żywiec you will see how is produced one of the most popular in Poland beers. Visiting the Museum of Technique and Communication in Szczecin you will see prototypes of polish motorization.
You will visit museum and centers of education in which touching of exhibits is a duty because those are museums where using all of you senses you will understand how is functioning human and things which we are using daily. Become a child again in Copernicus Science Centre or in Gardens of Experiments Humanitarium in Wroclaw.
You will see spectacles in the most famous operas, theatres and philharmonics. Some of them are situated in the unusual places like beach or forest. Sit down comfortably in Opera Leśna in Sopot.
You will visit stadium where took place games during Euro 2012.
Be our guest and allow us to show the most popular cities and places in Poland.
Say Poland will take care of :
- Accommodation
- Transport
- Meals
- Guides
- Booking of tickets to visited places
- Tickets on spectacles
- Your wishes